At our parent company Hubb’Allah, we have identified that the market for a message or teaching can be divided across three tiers, and our most intended audience are the Leaders & Visionaries in the fields of business, community, politics or within families and clans, where implementable. The second tier that we attend to are the implementors-managers.

  1. Leaders and Visionaries (aka Designers)
    The top of the idea chain starts with people who envision an idea, and “obtain” it almost as if out of a nebulous creative space. Leaders and visionaries speak a language of ideas, creation, dreams, visions, projections, belief, and confidence. They shape reality in real time with their words and their actions. They also work kinesthetically, creating and arrange teams and space. They are directive and projective in nature and may be inflexible though adaptive.

    The quality of the speech and writing of the leader and visionary is projective, may be even verbose. Even if not wordy, their words pack worlds within them. For instance, “We will green this city” are five words, but they entail thousands of gardens. The leader will tend to encompass a situation with their speech and ideas.

    Our work at The Salaam Matrix begins with the leaders and visionaries, whether in communities (preferred) or in corporations or in places of governance. It is when the leadership and visionary class has bought the idea and made it their own that the work of the subsequent tiers begins.

  2. Managers and Implementers
    This is a group of people who take the idea from the visionaries and leaders, and begin shaping, organizing and defining it. They design and assign work, they lead ground teams, they handle reporting, they create detailing and content. They shape the rough nebulous idea into something more solid. They are the ones who will take “greening the city” from the leader and turn this into markets and gardens and car reduction and so on.

    The Salaam Matrix is detailed, and its pictorial nature facilitates easier visualization and idea generation for the managerial and implementation tier in society, businesses or government.

  3. Households and Users
    These are the end users of an idea or movement, who want the exact deliverable, and who put the seed in the ground, and use the end product. In our example of “greening the city”, these are the people who will buy or obtain seeds, start pots and gardens, grow food, use it, trade it, make products and consume. This tier of info users needs exact detailed instructions.

    The beauty of The Salaam Matrix is that you can zoom in and obtain this detailing. We don’t aim to teach this model to households and end users except at the introductory level; we are directing leaders and visionaries and designers + implmenters to be oriented with the system so as to direct the Whole, and channel benefits and creation solutions for 21sst century living down to the end user and household.

The Salaam Matrix believes in an inclusive, whole-systems, even grounds-up approach and in systems that are participative and democratic. We teach the system in such a way that the intended organization or polity migrates to becoming a living organization, as is the need of the 21st century.

Please visit our Key Concepts to learn more about Living Organizations, organigraphs, biomimicry and more.

Muslim Teachings For the World

I make it no secret that the Salaam Matrix is overtly based on Muslim teachings. The word “Muslim” comes from an Arabic alphabet root (S-L-M) that means whole, complex, integrated. This is an aspect that has been hidden under the dust of possibly errant and certainly painful or problematic politics. It is my proposition that the Politic aspect has been skewed or erratic because the preceding Life Zones (as defined in the Matrix) have not been nurtured and explored and catered to, except in closed-loop minorities such as amongst the Sufis (mystics).

Despite the poor PR and real questionable political direction of the Muslim world, the teachings of Islam are useful, potent, helpful and healing and were meant to be lived in integrity with the best of the teachings of other traditions, many of which also have the same origin (God-source) as Islam itself, as Muslims believe. By focusing on a secular-technical tool such as The Salaam Matrix, we remove the layering of current politics and opinion, and get right down to the essential toolbox. In fact what grants Islam the right to claim completion is this focus on environment and politics, as well as socio-economy which is deemed a component of justice and social welfare, necessary for a thriving community. Therefore this is a gift to whomever will take it, just as we have taken yoga from the Hindu traditions and contemplation from the Buddhists, or compassion from the people of Christ.

If you are curious, please reach us and we will help you to the best of our ability. Thank you.
