The current human civilization seems to define humans as predominantly consumers or, in other instances, as victims. There is a polarization: of the colonizers and the natives. This polarization is also the divide between those who are actively consuming planetary resources, and those who are serving those needs off their land. Another way the division runs is workers versus those who employ them. Another way the split runs is government that appears to “rule” the citizens. And yet another way this division runs is the exploitative and abusive (and not natural and benevolent) dominance of the Masculine over the Feminine, that has moved away from being supportive, loving and kind as it ought to have been.
From the Muslim perspective, these splits are not correct or healthy. The Muslim perspective grants the human another station: Guardian. The mature, adult human is Guardian and Keeper of Creation and Reality. They are the one from whose ills and impishness the creation is deemed safe. They are the ones who are focused on their duties and on giving.
Arriving at this stage is a process of maturation and takes raising humans right, with children being loved, nurtured, honored and respected and given to until they can give. Tradition stipulated 40 as the age of emotional and social maturity, the age of the apocalypse when perspectives shift, and the journey towards world becomes the journey out of the world; and a person steps out from the inner hidden realms of spirit and home into the realms of society, economy, and politics.
Raising humans right so that they arrive at this station better is a monumental task for the society and the ones who design and keep it.
Art by: Arte de Sofia