The Salaam Matrix is a complex tool, with many derivative applications and teachings. Here is a sample of subjects that we are currently offering sessions on. Teachings are added and removed over time. We will be happy to hear how our clients absorb and apply the teachings!

The Basics

It is recommended that first-time learners start with the basics of the Salaam Matrix, and use our approach of Learning the Vocabulary. In this method of learning, you (mentally) underline the key concepts, and gain an understanding of what the concepts and propositions mean. Let that knowledge soak in, and it will generate a schema inside the brain in time. That schema will subsequently direct thoughts and ultimately actions. We teach this methodology too, reach us to learn more.


The Salaam Matrix is part of a larger knowledge universe by the name of Hubb’Allah Knowledge Systems. The intention of this universe is to make accessible to humans the Source Code (Divine, Godly) teachings channeled through the Muslim/Islamic pipeline. There are other pipelines too, from Daoism to Christianity to science to philosophy. Each has their own place and validity. Islam means “whole”, and offers some unique protocols for convergence and integration which are useful for humans at this stage of human evolution. Therefore, without reservation about the PR image of the faith system, or the doubts and reservations in minds, I find it most urgent and incumbent to share these teachings. Amen.

Below are the samplings of some teachings that are available at this time.

The Sacred Olive: Ramala Hubb’Allah’s MONEY MANIFESTO
for a Prosperous Economy

Ramala’s Moneyfesto is a short and punchy set of teachings about the sacred principles of accelerating, integrating, and simplifying the economy. This flips some of the traditional ‘rules’ on their head, unveiling a scintillating new, fair, wholesome economy that spreads prosperity to all its participant members in short, regenerative and iterative spans of time.

Audience: Decision-makers and users.


The Citizen Stakeholder and Stakebearer

This model is an adaptation of the Salaam Matrix, geared towards the communal and political realm. The origin of this is an essay by Ramala Hubb’Allah about the citizen as a stakeholder, and a builder of the collaborative civilization and economy.
